Our Vision 

To be the preferred investment partner for the world’s leading entrepreneurial teams and earn a share in their success.

Our Mission

To partner with outstanding entrepreneurial teams to build companies of purpose, integrity, and enduring value.

Our Values

We strive to fulfill our mission at Teamworthy Ventures by cultivating the following values in ourselves and by looking for them in the teams that we have the privilege to invest in and support.

Teamwork (definition: work done by several associates with each doing a part, but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency and efficacy of the whole)

We seek out great teams with outstanding leaders who place the achievement of mission and service to customers far ahead of any individual credit they may gain. We and our teams play to win and to achieve great things together.

Service (definition: An offer of help to another or a contribution to the welfare, success, or flourishing of others)

We strive to be worthy partners to our entrepreneurial teams. We work hard to help entrepreneurs reach their full potential.

Integrity (definition: Honesty, trustworthiness, and a wholeness of character with good intentions)

We seek to earn the trust of the entrepreneurial teams by treating them the way we would want to be treated. We offer and listen to honest and constructive feedback and aim to live our professional, personal, and family lives in line with the better angels of our nature.

Creativity (definition: Creativity is the capacity to produce or design through imaginative skill or to bring something new into existence.)

We work with entrepreneurs to imagine path-breaking business models and bring together talent, technology, and processes in new ways to deliver value to both existing and future customers.

Enthusiasm (definition: A feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it)

Building great companies demands an enduring positive attitude, an esprit de corps that motivates a team to commit time and resources to a worthy mission over many years.

Initiative (definition: The ability to judge what needs to be done and take action, especially without suggestion from other people)

We seek out teams and leaders who take intelligent initiative -- anticipating, acting, learning, adapting, and growing as they go -- and attracting other talented professionals who think and do the same.

Craftsmanship (definition: The skill with which something is made or done)

Great teams bring quality of execution to match a high-minded vision and mission. With exceptional attention to detail, they continuously hone the skills necessary to do excellent work worthy of their customers’ enduring trust.

Learning (definition: The process of getting an understanding of something through study, experience, or teaching)

Every day we seek new opportunities to learn, ask better questions, and strengthen our capacity to serve entrepreneurial teams. We aim to hire, develop, and coach colleagues with high standards, curiosity, and a drive to learn in the service of others.

Prudence (definition: Practical reason to discern the good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it)

We know that big ideas alone will fall far short in the long race of building companies to last. We seek out entrepreneurial teams that consistently make good decisions and align means and ends intelligently at each step of a company’s journey.

Fortitude (definition: Firmness and courage when facing risks and difficulties and perseverance and patience in the pursuit of the good)

We know from experience that the entrepreneurial path is not an easy one. It takes courage to set out on the path of building a company and perseverance and patience to realize its vision.

Humility (definition: Freedom from arrogance or pride and having respect for the dignity, talents, and contributions of others)

We seek out entrepreneurial leaders and team members who know that, more often than not, they do not know. They ask the right questions of the right persons at the right time. They seek out colleagues more capable than they are. They are willing to admit and grow from their mistakes, and they treat all persons with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Thrift (definition: The quality of using time, money, and other resources carefully and not wastefully)

We admire entrepreneurs who can do more with less. The most important resource that entrepreneurial teams have is their time; we seek out those who know how to use both time and money well.